Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Project 365...Day 17

This might be the most pitiful picture in the world. (our world) The boys had a stomach bug. It was so sad.  Both boys had first class tickets to Pukeville. No one wanted to move. Heart breaks.

Project 365...Day 16

Our boys go to physical therapy for torticollis. AKA - tight or shortened neck muscles that cause them to favor one side. This can lead to a flat head, as all the bones are still taking shape in the skull. We secretly think the boys fake it so they can go see their girlfriend every week.

Project 365...Day 15

Belle's magical ring...it is a "sax-a-fire" in big sister speak. When you twist it...it twinkles. Guys take note: The love of jewelry starts at an early age.

Project 365...Day 14

Before I do a load of laundry, I always check the pockets. These are the items I removed from my jeans pockets tonight. Throughout the day while on the floor with the boys, I pick up miscellaneous (Katrin's new favorite word) items that I have removed from their view or hands. (aka - on the way to their mouth or already there) Things here include: snoopy band*aid (gross), lots of "project" scraps from big sister, carpet fibers, rock from the playground in the backyard, a googly eye, hair band, paper clip, some kind of dried glue, and a sequin. ER - take note you will see us sooner than later.  PS...I do vacuum.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project 365...Day 13

Scary Bear toy again...boys love it...read previous posts.

Project 365...Day 12

It gets more fun by the day..the sleepless nights get harder to remember and the double diaper bills are just normal.

9 Months and 4 Days

I had the honor of photographing a friend's twin boys. Our twins are 4 days apart! and yes..that is how we met. I can't wait to see how everyone grows and looking forward to the years ahead. These kiddos were so good (even though Mom thought otherwise) LOVE those cheeks...BABY LOVE!!

Project 365...Day 11

Life with kids....is filled with plastic junk... that makes lots of noise. If you have kids, you know what I am talking about. This little guy seems really cute. Don't be deceived... so was Chuckie. Yogi here plays lots of electronic songs and does a dance. I have nightmares. The boys love him.

Project 365..Day 10


Project 365...Day 9

Out for a spin.....

Project 365...Day 8

I think this picture is from a couple days ago, but I am loosing track already. Kiddo can't get enough of anything princess.  She is sporting a Cinderella dress, Snow White gloves, Sleeping Beauty shoes and a cheap tiara. The tiara was probably made in China and toxic. The box said ages 4+ years.  It might fit a newborn (at best) which is why it fits better upside down.  (Way to go Santa) 

Project 365...Day 7.5

Just love big brother...easy going and happy. I love this shot of a little drool and evidence of a bad mommy for not keeping his nails short enough. (Exhibit A - scratch on eye lid) But not sure if he did this to himself or was it his brother? Hmmm..why do I think that might be a common problem in the years to come? Which one was the real culprit - big guy or little guy?

Project 365...Day 7

"Ladies and Gentleman please take your seats - the show will begin in 5 minutes. Please turn your cell phones to silent. " Santa Claus brought some plastic microphones and someone taught kiddo this little saying. Now we hear it about 5 times a day. It's funny every time we hear it. Especially the version in this picture, in which it was followed by her rendition of "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baja Men. Love hubby multitasking with little bro and little bro scratching his head thinking, "What are they singing about? Josie the dog is already outside"

New House and New Year!

Congrats guys on the new house! What a fun way to welcome in 2009. These little guys loved the new back yard and fresh snow. Who knew we could have such great sun light and snow in one day?

Project 365..Day 6

Anything to keep them quiet... except biter biscuits. These might give us 3 minutes of peace and quiet, but we pay for it on the clean up side. Onward zweiback!

Project 365...Day 5

Bath time....We will get brave and get 'em all in at once.... someday.

Project 365...Day 4

Mardi Gras in January. Everyone knows that New Year's Resolutions (which always include the eating healthy or more exercise c-r-a-p) can't start on January 2nd. They start on the day you go back to work after the holidays. For us this was Monday, January 5th. We went out in style!

Project 365..Day 3

Laughter....this picture is special because little bro is giggling hysterically. He's had a rough go with reflux and such.  I love to see him so happy. But don't let him fool you - he is only 9 months and already thinks it's illegal to take a naps...ever.

Project 365 - Day 2

Big Sister is really into the wipe board easel these days. When asked what she had created she calmly says "Connections." Who knew? For those interested... this masterpiece is for sale in the gift shop.

Project 365 - Day 1

Took all 3 to the pool. This was fun, but as many wardrobe changes as a fashion show. Changing 3 kids to go to the pool goes as follows - undress and sport swim suits. Get to pool - get out of clothes and into pool. Chase 3 kiddos and make life guards really nervous. Big bro just sits while 2 of us chase little brother and big sister around. (this will be a consistent theme - big bro sits - little bro can't get away fast enough) Take kids out of pool and undress out of swim suits - dress in warm cloths. Get home - take warm cloths off.  Dinner - out of clothes into bath. Out of bath into PJs. 24 ins and out of clothes in 2 hours!

Project 365

Project 365.....

I found this challenge on one of my photography forums. Take a picture everyday - not a masterpiece, but a snap shot of your daily life. At the end of the year you have a special way to recap 2009. Since I have been horrible at keeping a journal (or writing anything down for that matter - bad Mommy) this seemed to be a better way to document the day to day. So let's see... how this is going to work at our house? I may get a picture in everyday, but posted everyday - not a chance. Could it be like the rest of my New Year's Resolutions and last about 3 weeks - probably but we'll give it shot. They may not be exciting and you may get bored of my kids, but it will be us! Stop by as you like to see what is going on! Happy New Year!