Thursday, February 5, 2009

Project 365...Day 18

The Curious Incident of Josie the Dog....

We have a golden retriever.  But from the looks of this picture she looks like a lab, which brings us to our story. Big Brother had a curious spot on his head which we feared was ring worm!eegats! Trip to pediatrician:

Dr: Do you have Cats?
Us: No
Dr: Do you have dogs?
Us: Yes
Dr: Well.. it could be ring worm or could be eczema - here is a script - start with the dog
Us: Rush home - take dog straight to vet, start washing everything in house on sanitary wash, steam clean carpets

Vet: Ummm.... - I don' t think Josie has ring worm, but she has a lot of hair.
Us: Walk 50 ft away to connected vet groomer - SHAVE her - walk back to vet
Vet: Definitely not ring worm
Us: Rush home continue to clean house for 2 days and use script lotion on curious spot

3 days Later - back to Dr
Dr: Definitely eczema, not ring worm

One hairless dog (in winter), 2 trips to Dr and 2 trips to the vet - but no ring worm :)

And not to be out done - here is Scuba Diver (actually Scuba Diver the II) The original Scuba Diver met an early peace with King Triton floating belly up in which Big Sister proclaimed - "Scuba Diver is Boring" umm...yes boring indeed. Dead is very boring if you are 2 years old.

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