Big Sister likes to get up 5:30 AM early. Way too early. So we have pulled out all the stops: bribes, fancy nite lights, singing princess clocks, nite light lamps with princesses, promises of ice cream - you name it. One nite light even changes from a sun to a moon with times you set. Moon: 7 PM to Sun: 7 AM, so that if kids can't tell time yet, they just look at the light for guidance. (a picture menu if you will) All of this junk has really only worked one morning - Christmas morning. We informed her that Santa Claus would only come if she stayed in bed until 7 AM. Well that morning we hear her at the top of stairs a bit after 7 AM. She exclaims, "I stayed in bed till 2 sevens!" I didn't really get what she meant till I met her at her bedroom door and looked at the castle clock and it said 7:07 AM. Ummm...yea - we get schooled by a 2 year old daily.