Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project 365

Project 365.....

I found this challenge on one of my photography forums. Take a picture everyday - not a masterpiece, but a snap shot of your daily life. At the end of the year you have a special way to recap 2009. Since I have been horrible at keeping a journal (or writing anything down for that matter - bad Mommy) this seemed to be a better way to document the day to day. So let's see... how this is going to work at our house? I may get a picture in everyday, but posted everyday - not a chance. Could it be like the rest of my New Year's Resolutions and last about 3 weeks - probably but we'll give it shot. They may not be exciting and you may get bored of my kids, but it will be us! Stop by as you like to see what is going on! Happy New Year!

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