Monday, September 1, 2008

Catching Up...

OK - I have been a bad blogger again. So here it is September 1st - Labor Day. Summer is "unofficially over". Were did it go, anyway? I have been busy (and who hasn't?) so I am going wish summer goodbye with a few of my favorite things. My how things have changed and it's the little things that can make me so happy!

A Clean Closet.....

I spent the other evening cleaning out my closet. I decided I was going to take the whole "if you havn't worn it in 6 months or last season - get rid of it" to a new level. After purging the maternity clothes and realizing that I did not wear the most of stuff in my closet for the last year, it was time to go to town. I was ruthless. Bye Bye stand-bys and old favorites. Bye Bye to anything that I remotely gave more than a 2 seconds of thought. It is funny how you can remember places and events with outfits.

Ba Bye white linen tank. (worn to the US Women's World Cup final game with future husband)
Ba Bye pink shirt. (worn in a night of tears with my friend Kristin who listened to my tales of work woe)
Ba Bye black silk shirt (purchased with love by hubby from Tablbots before a big work meeting)
Ba Bye tan linen skirt (worn to the Belmont Stakes with good friends from Chicago in for a visit)
Ba Bye long sleeved t-shirt (worn after NYC marathon)

New picture - all organized!

However, this brings another problem...The Circle Problem!

This is a very common theme. Example: Revolving Circle of Debt with friends (you know - you owe me, but I owe you, I picked up coffee but you picked up lunch, etc) Example 2: Revolving Circle of Clean Rooms. (clean out one room, but really it just means all the junk got moved to another room slowly making it's way like flotsam and jetsom throughout the house till it ends back in the room where it started) So my goal will be to get all these clothes to the Goodwill ASAP.

Baby Einstein....

Point blank the best 20 minutes of my life...EVER. Quiet. Calm. Baby Crack - Mommy Crack. I don't care what you call it. It is now one of my top 5 most treasured items - like run back into a burning house for it. It is now the staple new baby gift from our household. I am sure the new Moms are offended (and give it the "my baby won't watch TV" crap) but they quickly get over it. PSS....Costco has a boxed set for viewing diversity. My personal favorite is Baby and music - who knew.


Ummm..can't get enough. And yes, I know it's all bad for you. Potassium sorbate, high fructose corn syrup, sodium benzoate, sugar, pyridoxine hydrocloride..whatever. Can't function without it. As a connoisseur of Diet Coke I will tell you how to best enjoy them. Ice cold, from the fountain. McDonald's takes the Oscar (secret recipe copied by no one) with Best Supporting honors going to ChickFilet for the styrofoam cup.


I have twins, a two year old, and 2 home offices with 2 phone lines, 2 fax machines, 2 blackberries, 2 printers, the works. For 20 minutes of sleep these are golden. No justification needed here.

The Tour de France and the Olympics....

Summer Sports - I love waking up to the Tour de France. It gave me something to do while feeding/pumping and it's always good for drama - better than a soap opera. You can miss a bunch of the race and as long as you catch the last 5 minutes, you really didn't miss anything. Sort of like Days of Our Lives. You can miss it for like 15 years and in a matter of minutes of watching the again you know exactly whats going on. The peleton always catches up to the leader and someone is always in some sort of cat and mouse game. The announcers have good gossip and the scenery makes you want to book a flight to Europe. It's always good for some decent Frenchie bashing and you are usually assured of seeing some crazy guys running around with flags as super dork capes. And if you are really lucky that day, a weirdo streaker that cable doesn't have time to blur out. If you don't get the picture below than you have never seen the tour. I have my own little team drafting off each other like top athletes. "I've been crying for an hour - your turn" As for the Olympics...Michael Phelps is IN...Lance you're out. Sorry Lancey.

Summer Nonsense...

We used to have big parties where we needed tons of food and coolers of beer. Now we have kids and our coolers serve a higher purpose. Swimming Pool.

Hope Everyone Had a Great Summer

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