So sitting in our bedroom at 5:30 the other morning still bleary eyed, I survey what lies in front of me. It occurs to me in short order what has happened here last night was something I could only compare to some sort of Baby Frat party. Strewn across the room would be tipped over bottles, misc t-shirts and towels (that might as well be hanging from the lampshade), empty water bottles, a half of glass of wine, a moses basket, a half eaten muffin, pony tail holders (5), receiving blankets (6), an empty can of Diet Coke, a bottle of Advil and various magazines and a stack of un-written thank you notes. At least half of these items are lying on the floor. There is also an ample supply of hand me down furniture. (a small love seat and chair) The scene looks like something out of Animal House. And like any good party college party there was eating, drinking, laughing and of course ending the night with one of your friends crying. (in this case more crying than laughing) The only thing missing is a pizza box and an ashtray.
The Pre Party:

The Next Morning:

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